Gain an overall view of the market. And pick the winners.
Top-down or bottom-up? We can do both. To analyze the market from the big picture all the way down to individual companies, we help you identify which industry sectors or market indices are performing best and pinpoint relative differences between comparable companies.
Market Screener
A dedicated interface in the platform, the Market Screener allows you to filter the database according to a set of your criteria (including universe, industry and financial criteria). Search results can then be analyzed and/or saved. The Market Screener is typically used to find investment opportunities or company peers in a specific business sector.
League Tables
A League Table is a list of companies, belonging to an index, a sector index or a personal list, ranked according to a financial criterion. Such tables are useful for instance to analyze an equity market across industry sectors, or to check the leaders and laggards of any company list for any indicator.
Index / Sector Analysis
Get an overall view of a specific company universe with the company lists – allowing you to conduct a top-down analysis on all active companies for any selected country, index or industry sector.